rpkimancer.sigobj.base module¶
Base classes for RPKI Signed Object implementations - RFC6488.
- class rpkimancer.sigobj.base.EncapsulatedContentType(data)¶
Base for CONTENT-TYPE instance for RPKI Signed Objects - RFC6488.
- Parameters:
data (Any) –
- digest_algorithm(*, usedforsecurity=True)¶
Returns a sha256 hash object; optionally initialized with a string
- file_ext: str¶
- property as_resources: Optional[Union[Literal['INHERIT'], Iterable[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]]]]¶
Get the AS Number Resources required by this eContent.
- property ip_resources: Optional[Iterable[Union[Tuple[Literal[4, 6], Literal['INHERIT']], IPv4Network, IPv6Network]]]¶
Get the IP Address Resources required by this eContent.
- digest()¶
Calculate the message digest over the DER-encoded eContent.
- Return type:
- signed_attrs()¶
Construct the signedAttrs value from the EncapsulatedContentInfo.
- Return type:
- signed_attrs_digest()¶
Calculate the message digest over the DER-encoded signedAttrs.
- Return type:
- class rpkimancer.sigobj.base.SignedObject(issuer, file_name=None, *args, **kwargs)¶
]Base CMS ASN.1 ContentInfo for RPKI Signed Objects - RFC5911/RFC6488.
- Parameters:
issuer (CertificateAuthority) –
file_name (Optional[str]) –
args (Any) –
kwargs (Any) –
- econtent_type: Type[ECT]¶
- ee_cert_cls¶
alias of
- property econtent_info: EncapsulatedContentInfo[ECT]¶
Get the Signed Object’s encapContentInfo.
- property econtent: ECT¶
Get the Signed Object’s eContent.
- property file_name: str¶
Construct the file name of the SignedObject.
- publish(*, pub_path, uri_path, repo_path, **kwargs)¶
Publish the SignedObject artifact as a DER file in the PP.
- Parameters:
pub_path (str) –
uri_path (str) –
repo_path (str) –
kwargs (Any) –
- Return type: